Indian Dream

People come, people go and the world fortunes may fluctuate
Vividly, although in my dream, I realize that the moment has arrived
O Cradle of world civilization, your past glory will be revived

I see that the minds are free, brave, loving and inquisitive
I also proudly witness the heads held high with patriotism and pride
bountiful and seamless knowledge is free and for everyone

Sex, caste, creed, race, religion or status are no longer barriers to life
Citizens express with a right to reason and life is what it should be
Elders are honored, women respected, children loved and good values cherished

My belief strengthens on seeing the leaders from amongst us, for us and with us
In front of my eyes flashes a land where need is no longer an evil but truly a means to satisfaction
and to my sheer excitement hearts are flawless, love is pure and thoughts not corrupt

Give wings to my Dream O Lord and strength to open the doors
to the heavens of true freedom, for us, our children and beyond!
The Indian dream will come true for me, you and all of us ………