Mahindra Vittal

The Chief Editor Monkey

Mahindra Vittal is an Indian student of Sanatana Dharma (the righteous way of life which some people mistake as a religion called Hinduism). His Indian dream is to see Bharath (India) at the helm of the world to share her knowledge of God, Peace, Prosperity, Health, Wealth, Kindness, Purpose in Serving, Purpose of Life and the Welfare of the entire Universe. He has been living with a passion in his heart, right from his childhood to do something for the society and this Karma Bhoomi Bharath.

He has shared his thoughts quite vividly using his poem “The Indian Dream”, which is an inspiration from Shri. Rabindranath Tagore’s ‘Where the mind is without fear”.

Why give back at all?

The Rishis of Bharata Varsha, gave us knowledge in form of rules. We should be highly indebted to them and incorporate this in our daily lives. This will guide you to realize the true purpose of your life. Every human is born with the following Runas [five debts]

  • Pitru Runa [debt towards parents and ancestors]
  • Dev Runa [debt towards God(s)]
  • Rushi Runa [debt towards preceptors]
  • Manushya runa [debt to the society]
  • Bhuta Runa [debt towards the elements/environment]

To this I would like to add the following Runa:

  • Desha (Matru Bhoomi) Runa [debt towards the land where you are born]

Selected Baat (article)

One Most popular and most read article highlighted every fortnight.


Missing Values?

Bharath, one of the oldest or perhaps the earliest civilizations, I believe, is currently very caught up in the rat race like the western world. I think we need to pause and look back at the rich and unique cultural, economic, spiritual & traditional legacy we have received from our ancestors. To name a few – Bagavad Gita teaches peaceful living; Yoga & Ayurveda formulate wellness, Vedas & Upanishads have invaluable secrets, Kautilya’s Artha Sashtra shows how to govern and manage finances; Astrology predicts the future; Epics like Ramayana, Maha Bharatha and Bhagavatham teach human values, morals & ethics. These and more, found only in India, can guide us to be a world leader in ensuring a safe haven for the entire human race and the environment.

Various forces like the British, the Mughals and the selfish few have tried to create differences but none have been able to shake or break our foundation that is the Sanatana Dharma.

In order to revive the lost glory, happiness, good health & the right lifestyle which lays emphasis on a strong value based society, I feel we should institute an organization with passionate and dedicated individuals/experts who can formulate, guide, teach and work towards rebuilding Rama Rajya for all of us children, students, employees, entrepreneurs, businessmen, sports persons, politicians, women and every citizen.

Come be part of the conversation!

Vittal’s 4S principle: Silence can be a Sin against the Self and the Society.

There comes a time when silence is betrayal of the Self and the Society. Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.


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My Dream for Bharath (India)


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“Agriculture contributes to nearly 20% of the GDP and employs almost 50% of the workforce in India.” Focus should be on Agriculture and Conservation of water. Unification of rivers and water bodies along with building ponds, lakes, check dams and taking up water conservation methods immediately are of paramount importance. ~ Dr. Samba Bharat (Agricultural Scientist)


Indian and the world history have proven time and again that “Where women are honored, Divinity blossoms there.”  Yet, history is forgotten and values ignored. I propose Zero Tolerance when it comes to harm committed against Women, Children and the Girl Child in particular. For major crimes, ministers and police of that region should be held responsible. Culprits should be brought to justice within 24 hours; If not concerned ministers and police should be suspended immediately.  Do this and miracles will happen. Vande Mataram! ~ Samhita


In order to revive the lost glory, happiness, good health & the right lifestyle which lays emphasis on a strong value based society, I feel we should institute an organization with passionate and dedicated individuals/experts who can formulate, guide, teach and work towards rebuilding Rama Rajya for all of us children, students, employees, entrepreneurs, businessmen, sports persons, politicians, women and every citizen. ~ Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitaha

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